Vistas de página en total

Ampliación 1º Bach.

Here are the presentations of the students about Pompeii and Rome, using the information of the main page of this blog (Pompeii: a project):

  1) Carlos and Juan Carlos: Roman Technology

 2) Galena and Sandra: The Roman Family

 3) Corina and Melania: Pompeii's Art

4) Aarón and Ihor: Volcanoes

 5) Iratxe and Ainara: The Discovery of Pompeii

 6) Ashley: The City

7) Lamia and María: Roman Religion

8) Alexandra and Lisbeth: Santorini

9) Alicia and Jesús C.: Law in Rome

10) Douae and Larisa: Entertainment


11) Estefanía and Eszter: Roman houses

12) Ruth and Susana: Social classes in Rome

13) Andrea and Jasmine: The City

14) Jesús J.: Technology in Rome